
Is Caffeine Bad? How Much Does A Coffee Contain?


Welcome back to Corrado Firera’s Magazine? Today we will talk about caffeine and how much caffeine in a coffee is recommended by doctors and experts in the field.

Certain habits are directly or indirectly part of your daily routine. From pre-established meals to primary physiological needs, the list in this sense appears quite extensive. However, doing them automatically leads, often and willingly, not to take into account certain factors for your health. In the case of caffeine, for example, there are many aspects that affect the body. Whether they are positive or negative, they must be investigated with some attention in order to avoid dangerous consequences. A wide-ranging precaution that, in the long run, can strengthen one’s psycho-physical well-being and that must not overlook even a seemingly marginal detail such as the mg of caffeine in a coffee.

Caffeine in a coffee: pros and cons of an Italian ritual

An Italian practice such as that of coffee can positively or negatively affect the health of any individual. Being a natural stimulant par excellence, caffeine (also contained in other widely consumed foods and drinks) is sadly known for its harmful effects resulting from an intake that exceeds the recommended daily limit. An active ingredient with dark sides capable of causing sleep disturbances, tachycardia and anxiety; not indifferent alarm bells to be attenuated as soon as possible. In any case, numerous studies affirm the existence of benevolent properties that condition, with vivacity, one’s attitude towards everyday life.

What it is and how it works

As mentioned above, caffeine is a natural stimulant found in cocoa, coffee and tea plants. But how exactly does it work? Well, its peculiarities stimulate the brain and the central nervous system helping to stay focused and fight the typical symptoms of fatigue. In soft drinks and ginseng coffee, caffeine is present in predetermined quantities which then, depending on the period, have been modified. The first, in fact, arrived on the market at the end of the 1800s; later, energy drinks, such as Red Bull, followed. Nowadays, 80% of the world population consumes such products every day. But the recommended daily dose in an effective diet is 300 mg, which is 3 cups of espresso or 6 cups of tea.

Caffeine: effects on the body

Once consumed, the caffeine is absorbed by the intestine and then enters the bloodstream: all this takes place within 20 minutes. The first beneficial effects are felt within an hour; vice versa, if you are intolerant, the first organic disorders could occur. After that, it is transferred to the liver and broken down so that it can spread. The main effect is found on the brain as it blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter that relaxes the brain making you feel tired. Hence, caffeine helps stay alert by counteracting the adenosine levels that build up throughout the day. A concrete remedy when you work for several hours and an above average level of attention is required.

Soaring adrenaline

A transversal element, which, however, can even increase the levels of adrenaline in the blood and increase the brain activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. An explosive combination at times, the outcome of which triggers a state of concentration, alertness and remarkable excitement. In fact, it is no mystery that caffeine is often referred to as a psychoactive drug. The states of “alteration” cited lead to this conclusion and must warn anyone who exceeds without a minimum of self-love.

Foods and drinks that contain caffeine

There are multiple foods and drinks that have caffeine among their ingredients. In an espresso coffee, the quantity fluctuates between 240 and 720 mg; in a standard quality coffee, on the other hand, it ranges from 102 to 200 mg. Yerba mate – an infusion made from the green or roasted leaves of an evergreen holly – contains 65 to 130 mg. A threshold close to those of energy drinks (50-160 mg) and tea (40-120 mg); while decaffeinated coffee and hot chocolate boast a range between 3 and 12 mg and 2 and 7 mg respectively. As for food, a 30-gram serving of milk chocolate provides 1-15 mg. Dark chocolate is something extra, with a range from 5 to 35 mg.

A concentration that changes according to the preparation of the coffee

The effect of caffeine (and its quantity) depends on the preparation of the coffee. An aspect that, at first glance, could be irrelevant. On the other hand, the way in which the coffee is prepared and the quality of the raw material used determine its final concentration. In a nutshell: it is lower in the soluble; intermediate level in espresso; high in mocha and unfiltered coffee. Therefore, paying attention to the elements treated does not hurt; indeed, it can prove to be a vital initiative for one’s body with positive results in both the short and long term.

The benefits of caffeine

If taken in accordance with the recommended daily doses, caffeine has the following benefits: it improves mood and brain function; blocks adenosine and the related degrees of fatigue; stimulates brain functions; improves concentration and reaction times; reduces the risk of organic diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s; increases metabolism and burns fat; implements psychomotor activity. This last parameter is central for those who perform physical, competitive or amateur exercises, since an increase in resistance leads to unexpected goals and objectives. A stimulating prospect for achieving noteworthy personal results.

The negative effects

The downside of the speech conducted so far pushes to have a conscientious attitude, in any circumstance. Taking caffeine on an empty stomach can cause heartburn, stomach acid, gastroesophageal reflux, and esophagitis. In addition, it can trigger anxiety, tachycardia, hypertension and arrhythmias. The anxious effect then causes tremors, insomnia, irritability and hot flashes. If you already have some decompensation that could be exacerbated by such symptoms, it is preferable to avoid the consumption of drinks and food that could dangerously accentuate everything. In this regard, you should not drink coffee in the presence of the following physical or pathological conditions: dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, reflux disease, hypercholesterolemia, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, fibrocystic mastopathy and pregnancy (not exceeding the quantity of two cups per day).

How much caffeine do you take in a day? Let us know by commenting below and if you haven’t done so yet, share the article. Also stay up to date with us by leaving a like on our FB page, see you soon and good continuation on Corrado Firera’s Magazine!

CF’s Magazine, The Editorial Team


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